Compliance & certifications
We pride ourselves on our cabling expertise and training. Our cabling engineers are certified by organisations such as Schnieder Electric, Multimedia Connect (MMC), Chrome, and NETCONNECT®. Our work is compliant with all AS/NZ cabling standards around density, handling, positioning and clearances of cables. We’re especially proud to meet the Ministry of Education’s high standards for cable installation in primary, secondary and tertiary education premises for WSNUP and SNUP.
Wireless networks
Ensure you have wireless coverage, speed and access where and when you need it. We can create one wireless network with multiple controlled user access profiles; and make sure you have complete control over who accesses your critical data and your network. Our managed wireless service takes care of firmware updates, and ensures the stability and availability of wireless controllers and wireless access points.
Our cabling systems are guaranteed to meet or exceed manufacturers’ performance specifications, as well as all ISO and AS/NZ standards, and we offer warranties on GCT-installed cabling and workmanship. To ensure optimal performance, our staff are trained to use specialist Fluke™ equipment to test new or troubleshoot existing cable.